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The Wrestler

The Wrestler 

The Wrestler

So, I finally watched the Wrestler. I have now seen two nominated Oscar movies! YAY. I am going to watch Frost/Nixon next, but in the meantime…here is my review on the Wrestler.

First and foremost, all Oscar movies generally embody the same few elements: 1) great acting 2) a depressing theme 3) a slow moving storyline 4) somewhat anti-climatic…

1) Kudos to the cast- Mickey Rourke was incredible in the film, as was Marisa Tomei…despite or result of her being naked or at least partially naked through the whole film. The acting was superb. Randy ‘the ram’ was an incredibly complex character. Throughout the movie, I felt conflicted with my dislike of his lifestyle, but yet was incredibly warmed and drawn to his hopeless, yet optimistic heart. This is all Rourke’s doing- as he is able to enact this role as the underdog with such compassion, sincerity, and realism. 

2) The premise of this movie is about a wrestler making a come-back after a health condition… ultimately, his struggle to achieve his dream, that continues to fade further and further away. It is also about his relationship with his family, his daughter, and his new ‘love interest’ Marisa… or “Pam”.

3) The storyline progresses slowly in a ‘artistic’ Oscar movie-e way. But I think that the pace was just right. I did find it hard to watch at many parts because of the graphic nature of the ‘wrestling’ fight scenes and some of the gritty and rawness of most of the movie. 

4) The movie did not have a ‘blockbuster’ high- i.e. there is no big shoot out or epic battle. Instead, my favorite moment of the whole film, was when Randy the Ram (Mickey Rourke) walks out to the deli-counter for the first time, with the sound of crowds cheering in the background. It was reminiscent of the scene from Quantum of Solace, when Bond infiltrates Quantum’s meeting in the Opera…and the fight scene is paired with an operatic soundtrack. Surely, this scene was not as dramatic, but the stark comparison and the sheer sadness and pathetic nature of the cheers toward the deli counter lifted the movie to a new depth. My heart ached for Randy’s lost dream, his lost time, and his solitary life. 

I can’t say that I will ever watch this movie again, nor would I really recommend it to others…but I did appreciate it’s story, and it is a sad story about a life lost, a dream unfulfilled, and the fear of being alone.

Rating: [B]

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Merman Phelps…weed controversy

picture-31I am not sure if you have already read/ heard about the Michael Phelps facebook photo, of him taking a puff out of a bong. But the poor guy has suffered quite a big backlash from it. 

In these trying economic times, it is not a huge surprise that many brands  have taken this indiscretion as an opportunity to review their Merman Phelps endorsement deals.  Click here to read about it.

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Brian and the BSB

Mags- this one is for you 😉


Click here to watch Brian dsicuss the fate of the BSB!

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Christian Bale, I forgive you.

I wasn’t even mad at you. I can’t even pretend as if I were mad at you.

I am so psyched for the Terminator Salvation- to be released May 22nd. WOOO HOOO =)

christian-bale-0011Check out C.Bale’s heartfelt apology. Plus I think that it is C.Bale’s temper afterall that makes him such an amazing actor…well maybe not the temper so much as his deep feeling emotions…and inner ‘darkness’. okay I am tres biased. But can you really blame a girl? Or any person with eyes for that matter?

Also, click here for a hilarious spoof on the Bale’s rant- Stephen Colbert style.

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Hugh Dancy and Claire Danes

No fair! I love Hugh Dancy… click here to read more.


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Christian Bale’s Meltdown

I still love him….I really do.
Even after this. I guess it is because he’s under so much stress? Or maybe, it is because he’s just awesome, and he needs space and time on set to acheive his awesomeness on screen. 



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He’s Just Not That Into You

I was one of the fortunate few that had a chance to watch the early screening of He’s Just Not That Into You last night.  Check out this really hilarious promo video they made for He’s Just Not that Into You- 10 Chick Flick Cliches You Won’t Find…


It was really funny! Unlike typical chick-flicks, there was actually a tinge of ‘realism’. But please do take this comment with a grain of salt, the leading characters of this movie are played by stunning beauties- Jennifer Connolley, Jennifer Aniston, and Scarlett Johansson. Let’s be honest, if a guy is not ‘into’ these leading ladies…there really isn’t much of a chance for the rest of us is there? Regardless, it is entertaining and funny. But don’t except anything too ground breaking.

There are no shortages of laughs and witty dialogue in this movie and I was very impressed by Jennifer Connelly’s comedic timing. There are also giant gaps in the storyline, where the individual stories of the characters are mish-mashed together, likely, this is because the movie is an adaptation from a self-help book by Sex in the City writer Liz Tuccillo and consultant Greg Behrendt. Most of the topics in the book are glossed over in this movie to provide viewers with sugary goodness. Nonetheless, it does what this movie is supposed to do for ‘all the single ladies‘ (sorry I just had to…) with a sense of hope that all is not lost. Fortunately, I went into this movie expecting the very worst (think- If Only…shudder) basically, I had very low expectations, so this movie really did pleasantly surprise me. I do wish that the screenwriters and director had tried to dig a bit deeper with the characters rather than resort to mere stereotypes and architypes of both male and female relationships. Even after two hours, most of the characters in the movie were not developed. Fortunately, the Hollywood-savy viewers (aka the target demographic for chick movies like this), who are akin to be reading People Magazine or US weekly rather than a New Yorker or Economist, recognize the signifiers and the ‘characters’ of each actor by their celebrity persona.  

The movie was positively upbeat and laden with cheesy chick flic cliche (which I love).  So fear not, bring all your best girl friends, get a giant tub of popcorn, and let the best anti-valentines day date wash over you.

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“my sony viao”

imageb5cbd3a6-2829-4c4a-9212-f66c5412d55aFor those of you who know me…I used to have a Sony Viao laptop, which I LOVED! That’s why, when I came across this neat little news item I had to share it.Check it out.

Much like how LG partnered with L’Oreal Fashion Week, and various other ‘fashion’ related events to build a reputation for stylish technology and to appeal to female demographics. Sony has hired models to wander the streets of Manhattan for many many hours a day, stopping at bars, restaurants and cafes to whip out their Vaios and instant message friends or check their Facebook pages. Sony plans to film and photograph them and load the videos and pictures onto YoutubeFlickr and a Facebook page that it is creating. From Monday, people also will be able to track the models’ whereabouts and instant message them via www.sony.com/golightly.

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Revolutionary Road…what an unfortunate snub

Revolutionary Road is about the unfulfilling and hopeless pursuit of the American Dream. It is set in the 1950s, and based on a novel by Richard Yates.

I am typically skeptical about movies based adapted from books, especially OLD books. Yikes. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised. The acting and chemistry between Leo and Kate Winslet was still in full flame, even after the 12 year gap between Titantic (1997) and Revolutionary. A true testament to the talent of both actors.

I am quite upset that there is not more recognition of this stellar film. It maintains a refreshing balance of hope, sadness, desperation, and fear. Hope both protagonists April and Frank Wheeler demonstrate in their aspirations for a more fulfilling life. The desperation April must have felt when her dream to move to Paris slowly vanished and fear of challenging what has been normalized in our society in the ‘pursuit of happiness’ (pardon my reference!). 

This movie, enlivened by superb acting and direction, really polarizes the lack of depth we as a society hold in our acceptance of what we as a society should aspire for. Frank conforms to the society and hence creates a drift between   and April, who is a free spirit suffocating in the unfulfilling suburban life. It makes you wonder whether or not it is people who are able to accept and conform into society and life’s banality can end up happier than those who keep yearning for more.

As a ‘flitter’ and self-professed ‘self actualizer’, I surely see myself relating to April’s character, and her courage to pursue the unknown and face new challenges.In my final months as a University student, this movie really resonates with me and reaffirms my passion to pursuit new and unchartered territories and aspire for something outside of social conventions.

This movie is both a cautionary tale, and an inspiring story about the struggle all young adults must make in their quest for happiness and also a story about the strength needed to believe that you CAN achieve the happiness you deserve. 

Rating: [A+]


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More Slumdog Controversy


Heartwarming movie set in India.

the debate continues....

My previous post around Slumdog Millionaire seemed to get a lot of attention. I got a couple of comments about it, and also noticed that my page views saw a huge jump. So, I’ve decided to take this opportunity to add to my last post.

I recognize that this movie is a particularly sensitive topic as a result of the title. In one article, 18-year-old Rekha Dhamji says “I am poor, but don’t call me slumdog.” The use of the term ‘dog’ can definitely be understood as insulting, so I recognize the merits of that comment. But whether or not this was what the writers and creators intended is another story. The screenplay writer, Simon Beaufoy, said people should not read too much into the title. “I just made up the word. I liked the idea. I didn’t mean to offend anyone,” he said.

To reiterate what I wrote in my last post, I sincerely feel that this movie is a feel-good movie about love, destiny, and hope. Nonetheless, this movie is not free of its social obligations. The Hollywoodization of social problems such as the extreme poverty in areas of Mumbai was used as a means to move the plot forward, and to polarize how far the protagonist has gone- a true rags to riches story.  Whether or not this was an ethical depiction is a completely different story. I will let you judge for yourself. 

Here are some interesting articles you might want to check out:

N.Y. Times and L.A. Times writer Dennis Lim conversely, argues that “Danny Boyle is guilty of ‘aestheticizing poverty‘”. 

‘Slumdog’ backlash: Fair or foul?

Slumdog child stars miss out on the movie millions

Protests at Indian cinemas over Slumdog Millionaire

Mumbai “Slumdog” critic names dogs after film makers

In the script: Beaufoy, Boyle and ‘Slumdog Millionaire’


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